If he [Thomas Edison] had a needle to find in a haystack, he would not stop to reason where it was most likely to be, but would proceed at once with the feverish diligence of a bee, to examine straw after straw until he found the object of his search. … Just a little theory and calculation would have saved him ninety percent of his labor.”
― Nikola Tesla
You did it! You created a functional timeline for your business and successfully launched your marketing campaign. For many businesses, this is where the real work begins! Time to stop stressing over the plan, stay focused, and wait for the customers to roll in as their use of the all-too-useful search engine lures them into your digital web.
This potential overflow of digital foot traffic is made possible through the use of Search Engine Optimization. The aptly coined “SEO” is an aspect of digital marketing which is used to ensure that your company’s website appears high on the list of relevant searches. It may seem like a no-brainer. To choose simple terms – such as “dog” – in an attempt to reach the thousands upon thousands of people who browse the internet every day.
That’s the goal, isn’t it?

Short Tail VS Long Tail Keywords
For those of you who are not familiar, Short Tail Keywords are search phrases containing only one or two words. Very broad and general, the use of Short Tail does allow the opportunity for anyone to find your business. But it also tosses your brand into a sea of literally billions of other search results. Short Tail Keywords may be useful for reaching a broad or general audience, they are not specific enough to garner successful results. Without search engine optimization, your customers will be left drowning in a literal sea of search results.
Long Tail Keywords, or 3-5 specific search engine terms, are far more effective. It is true that they yield far fewer digital hits in the long run, but the magic of specificity can make or break your business. Once you have locked down a good variety of long tail keywords, your SEO will be able to effectively lure the type of audience you were seeking in the first place.
Why Should You Care?
With so many articles focusing on the nitty gritty of how SEO typically works, we would like you to take a moment to remember why you are looking into this subject in the first place.
- What type of customer are you looking to make connections with?
- Would Long Tail patterns really make a difference in the long run?
No matter how lucky you might have been through the use of social media hits, word of mouth, and in-person foot traffic… it is time to face facts. The working world as we know it no longer exists. Even before the coronavirus pandemic made its way through the US, it was almost impossible to keep regular customers without actively participating in the local scene. For every 10 people that walked through your store, perhaps one or two seriously considered making a purchase. Perhaps one of them bought something. There was a more relaxed atmosphere that came with window shopping which simply does not exist in the same way today.
As cities all over the country slowly start to reopen for business, you have to be willing to try new tactics. As SEO quickly becomes the most dominant factor to finding and supporting local businesses, you should know that there is a demand curve in the search engine world. Countless individuals search the web using common keywords such as “ticket prices” or “dog care.” But what about the more specific searches? This is where Long Tail SEO comes into play. With a much smaller percentage of people specifically looking for “summer concert ticket prices 2021” or “grooming services for elderly dogs,” it become so much easier to attract paying customers if you can work with your marketing team to design a plan that will make it easier for them to find you.
Do Fewer Hits Mean Fewer Customers?
Not necessarily. In most cases, the ability to integrate the correct Long Tail patterns into your website will simply draw a whole new level of customer! Nobody wants to look for a needle in a haystack, much less spend hours sifting through one metaphorical piece of straw after another. In a way, that’s exactly what you are leaving your customers to do if they cannot find your business within the first page or two of their initial search.
Long tail keywords take the guesswork out of digital marketing. Instead of hoping that someone might like what you have to offer, they bring you the ones who will. These potential customers do not have to be sold anything right away. They chose to find you themselves.

How to Define and Target Long Tail Keywords
Think of it as a set of hyper-targeted, specific terms and phrases. Long tail keywords can be tricky to lock down and can sometimes require trial and error before you find the right words to garner those top search results. These specific terms and phrases might not be searched for as often as others. Some are searched only a couple of times a month. This might sound ridiculous at first, but it is actually a brilliant tactic to find the sorts of people who are ready and willing to support your business. When the correct phrase is found and integrated into your website, every one of those clicks becomes hugely valuable to your business.
The process of defining and selecting these keywords can be a task unto itself, but the difference is night and day. Instead of simply settling for customers who show mild interest in “tickets” or “dogs,” you will now have the opportunity to help them find you. Start with
a broad-term if you like. Be open to discovering hyper-specific keywords and phrases that will lead new customers to find your business. If you are not sure where to start, Two Trees PPC can help you identify these keywords for your SEO. It makes no sense to leave your future customers scavenging through bales of hay when you can offer them a magnet to draw out the needle with.
Digital Marketing
June 9, 2020